DelcomLib is an AppleScript library for Smile which provides basic commands to handle simultaneously several digital I/O Delcom USB device. In DelcomLib, a given device is known by the firmware information it contains.
The link and instructions to download and install DelcomLib are provided in the bottom of the page. Here we present the interface provided by the library.
Variables used in this page
- strID
a string (firmware information of the device) used by DelcomLib as the ID for a given device
- the_delcom
a reference to an object of Smile belonging to the Delcom USB Board class
- bit_index
an integer in 1 .. 16 specifying the rank of a I/O one-bit channel (a bit)
- the_value
the value of a bit, 0 or 1
- the_object
any object of Smile, to be notified by the_delcom when one of the bits currently monitored changes its value
- Commands
- GetEveryDelcomID()
Returns the list of all the IDs of the Delcom devices detected.
- MakeDelcomFromID(strID)
Makes a new Delcom USB Board object with the specified ID and returns a reference to it.
- on FindDelcomFromID(strID)
Finds in the existing Delcom USB Board objects those with the specified ID and returns them in a list (possibly empty).
- SetBit(the_delcom, bit_index, theValue)
Sets the value of a given bit.
- GetBit(the_delcom, bit_index)
Gets the value of a given bit.
- SubscribeToDigIn(the_delcom, the_object, bit_index)
Sets the_delcom to send the notify event to the_object when a given bit changes.
- UnsubscribeToDigIn(the_delcom, the_object, bit_index)
Stops the_delcom from sending the notify event to the_object when bit index bit_index changes.
- WantSubscribe(the_delcom, bit_index)
Tests whether the_delcom is currently monitoring the bit whose index is bit_index.
- How to download and install DelcomLib
To download DelcomLib as a Stuffit archive (82 KB) click here: delcomlib10.sit.
To install DelcomLib double-click the installer included in the archive, then quit and relaunch Smile.