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Smile Users List (SUL) is the discussion list dedicated to the Smile environment, including the data visualization features. Get subscribed to SUL to stay tuned with the latest updates and release information, and to share problems, solutions, additions, suggestions, and more.

SUL is a low-noise list. The usual language is English, however subscribers are free to post also in French.
  • To subscribe to SUL, send an email to (the Subject and the body of the mail are not considered.)
  • To post to SUL once you are subscribed, send your message by email to .

Satimage-software keeps secret the email addresses of the subscribers.

We shall never publish, sell, nor give the email address of a member of SUL to anybody (unless granted by the member to do so). Only the list administrators have access to the list of the subscribers and of their addresses.

We shall never publish the contents of any post under any form (unless granted by the author to do so).

However, be aware that your posts are not secret, because the subscription to SUL is not moderated. Anyone may subscribe at any moment and browse the Archives.

Version française
Copyright ©2013 Paris, Satimage