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Home Documentation SmileLab Scripting Making graphs by script QuickPlotLib QuickFormulaMatrix  
QuickFormulaMatrix(x, y, z) is a shortcut to help building matrices from formulae or ranges (lists of two numbers {min, max}). QuickFormulaMatrix returns a list {x, y, z} of three matrices, according to the input provided.
  • Both x and y may be an array of real, or a matrix, or a range, or a valid formula of the two variables x and y, as a string.
  • z may be a matrix or a valid formula of the two variables x and y.
If you provide only formulae in input QuickFormulaMatrix will assume the interval [0..1] for the "x" and "y" variables in the formulae. For instance you can use "x" as the polar angle parameter provided you scale it by 2*pi in the formulae.
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