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Displaying more data in the same graph
Home Documentation SmileLab Scripting Making graphs by script QuickPlotLib Displaying more data in the same graph  
Using QuickPlotLib you can create another object in the same graph as a previous one. Just call again the same routine which created the object and provide a reference to its container, the graphic view which contains it, as the last argument. In the example below we make a curve, then we make a second curve in the same plot (the plot view object).
set y to runningsum (randomarray 500 range {-1, 1})
set c to QuickCurve(0, y, 0)
set v to container of c -- the plot view
set y3 to runningsum (randomarray 500 range {-1, 1})
set c2 to QuickCurve(0, y3, v)

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QuickCurve automatically provides the new curve with a new color.
This works also with planar views. In the example below we make a color map (a scalar map object), then we draw a set of 15 contour lines (a contour map object) over the map - in the same plot (the planar view object).
set s to "(x^3+y)*y"
set m to QuickScalarMap({-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, s, 0)
set v to container of m -- the planar view
QuickContourMap({-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, s, 15, v)

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