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Making a new graph
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To make a new graph, you just run the command corresponding to the graph you want.
There is a life after QuickPlotLib
Once you have made a graph with QuickPlotLib, you can edit all its settings using a traditional dialog box. On the scripted side, each routine of QuickPlotLib returns a reference to the object it creates: if your script stores that reference in a variable you will be able to address that object and its containers - for instance when you want to customize them further.
1st example: QuickCurve
The quick way of displaying y vs x.
set y to runningsum (randomarray 500 range {-1, 1})
set c to QuickCurve(0, y, 0)

Import script
In this example we pass 0 as the argument for x. QuickCurve assumes automatically the list of the first integers as the abscissae.
The third argument of QuickCurve is a reference to an object, that QuickCurve uses to specify where the data will be plotted. If that argument is not a valid reference to an object (like 0, here) QuickCurve makes the curve in a new window.
2nd example: QuickScalarMap
The quick way of displaying a scalar field on a 2d domain.
set s to "(x^3+y)*y"
set m to QuickScalarMap({-1, 1}, {-1, 1}, s, 0)

Import script
Here, instead of data, we supply a formula to describe the scalar field, and we supply ranges for x and y. In general, x and y would be lists of numbers, and the third argument would be a matrix with the corresponding numbers of rows and columns.
Graph of specified size
To create by script a graph with a given size, create explicitly the graphic window with the desired shape then pass its reference to QuickPlotLib's routines.
set w to make new graphic window with properties {pagewidth:6.25 as inches, pageheight:3 as inches}
set y to runningsum (randomarray 500 range {-1, 1})
set c to QuickCurve(0, y, w)

Import script
Finalizing a graph
The routines in QuickPlotLib make graphs with default settings. Once created you can bring any change to the graph by script, using the reference to the newly created object.
set y to runningsum (randomarray 500 range {-1, 1})
set c to QuickCurve(0, y, "Random walk")
set v to container of c -- the plot view
set xlabel of v to "t (seconds)"
set ylabel of v to "x (m)"
draw window of c

Import script
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