When the user hits a key or a key combination involving the modifiers keys ⇧ ⌥ ⌘ ⇪ and ctrl Smile sends the following event to the script of the active graphic window.
keydown the_object event the_record
the_object is a reference to the owner of the script, the active graphic window.
the_record can contain two fields: character and modifiers.
- character is a string, the key which was hit, considering the modifiers. For instance if the user presses ⇧A character is "A", not "a". If the user presses A character is "a".
- modifiers is a list of one or several of the following values: shift down (⇧), option down (⌥), command down (⌘), caps lock down (⇪) and control down (ctrl). Note that those values are keywords, not strings.
The example below handles the r (for "reset") and n (for "new") keystrokes; it creates random curves.
on keydown theWindow event theEvent
if modifiers of theEvent is not {} then return
if character of theEvent is not in "rn" then return
if character of theEvent is "r" then
set v to plot view 1 of theWindow
delete every curve of v
end try
draw theWindow
end if
set v to plot view 1 of theWindow
on error
set v to make new plot view at theWindow
set name of v to "\\alpha.sin(x^{\\alpha})"
end try
set c to make new curve at end of v
set f to random number from 0.0 to 2.0
set formula of c to "" & f & "*sin(x^" & f & ")"
draw theWindow
end keydown
Import script
To experiment with the script above, proceed as follows.
Run first the line below, which will create the window.
make new graphic window
Import script
Select Graphs ▸ Edit script then choose the window. This will open the graphic window's script.
Paste the (longer) script above, then save and close the script window with the File menu.
Now hit n (new) to create curves, r (reset) to clean up the plot.