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Customizing a stand-alone application
Home Documentation Smile Custom GUI Developing your own custom dialog Making a dialog stand-alone Making a stand-alone application Customizing a stand-alone application  
When Make stand-alone application is done, you may want to perform further customizations of your application. All customizations imply files located in the package: the paths below are relative to
You can change the icon, the signature, and the Finder information for your application. You can set file types or file extensions to be opened by your application. You can have your application handle a URL scheme, and more.
Edit the Contents/Info.plist file.
You can change the menus installed by Smile.
To that effect, you can have your dialog customize the menus by script when it launches (thus, in its prepare handler). You customize the menus by using the visible and enabled properties of menus and of menu items.
You can also edit the nib file with Interface Builder. You have to edit separately the nib files for each localization. For instance, for the English localization, edit English.lproj/Smile.nib.
You can install your own scripts in the User Scripts menu (), or you can remove that menu.
See all details in the following page.
While you edit the nib file, you can make your own set of menus and assign them your own commands (a command is a 4-characters string).
If you do so, edit the SmileDoMenu handler in the Class Scripts/Application.scpt file and have it handle your commands.
The application as Make stand-alone application makes it is a fat file (more than 10 MB). By removing unnecessary material you can lower its size.
What material your dialog actually requires depends on the extent to which it uses Smile's features, maybe you need everything. Most of the possibly unnecessary material is located in the More stuff folder.
You can customize the Help menu.
This menu reflects the contents of the More stuff ▸ Documentation folder. Scripts are executed, other files are opened when selected from the Help menu.
You can disable the automatic opening of the Worksheet, or you can fill the default Worksheet with your own content.
The flag to have the Worksheet automatically open when Smile launches is the permanent variable my gWantWorksheet: set it to false.
The default Worksheet is the text file English.lproj/Worksheet.
And, you can have the initialization script perform more than simply open your dialog.
Edit More stuff/Initialization/Dialog bootstrap.
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