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New in Smile 3.4.0
Bugs fixed in Smile 3.4
Known features and caveats for 3.4
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Release notes for Smile 3.4
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New in 3.4

Smile 3.4 is only for Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.x).

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New in 3.4.0

Data visualization
  • Once you have defined your plot with SmileLab's interface, you can click the Slider button next to the path of a file. This will open a new Slider dialog that allow you to browse all the files in the same directory: the plot will be redrawn after modifying the file path. You can filter the files by extension or by file name.
    A demo video is available at SmileLab's gallery.
  • You can now copy and paste graphic views. To copy a view, choose Copy view in its contextual menu. The view can be pasted only in a free area where there is no view. You may want to extend the window's frame to have a free area where to paste the view. You can resize the window's frame in edit mode by dragging its bottom right corner. To paste a view in a graphic window, choose Paste view in the contextual menu of the graphic window. The view will be centered on the mouse's position.
    A demo video is available at SmileLab's gallery.
  • When the graphic window is in edit mode, you can move and resize its page and the graphic views. This mode has been enhanced: you now have visual helps (dash lines) for views aligments.
  • Curves can be displayed with a line style Smoothed (in AppleScript, this corresponds to set the line style property of the curve to 2). Smoothed curves have been enhanced. In particular when the abcissae are not regularly spaced the smoothed curve was not smooth, this is fixed.
  • SmileLab's interface for 2D/3D plot now accepts to define a matrix from a tabulated text file. This file should be a tabulated text file defining a matrice of values (columns separated by tabs, rows separated by carriage returns).
Data processing
  • The performance of the evalformula command has been improved.
  • The performance of the particles command has been improved and this command provides better results in some cases.
Interface and interface customization
  • Smile's menus have changed. There is now an Action menu that regroups the actions specific to the active window. The former Graphs, Dialogs and Scripting menus are now displayed in the Action menu when the active window is (respectively) a graphic window, a dialog, and an AppleScript terminal or a script window.
  • The Action menu for text windows (AppleScript terminals, script windows and Unicode windows) now have three menu items:
    • Run selection/Run script/Execute (shortcut: ⌘R). This menu is equivalent to the enter key (⌅) in AppleScript terminals and script windows, and is equivalent to alt-enter (⌥⌅) in Unicode windows.
    • Check syntax (shortcut: ^⌘R, i.e. ctrl-cmd-R). This menu is equivalent to ctrl-enter (^⌅) in AppleScript terminals and script windows, and is equivalent to the enter key (⌅) in Unicode windows.
    • Validate (shortcut: ⌥⌘R). This menu is equivalent to alt-enter (⌥⌅) in AppleScript terminals and script windows, and is equivalent to cmd-enter key (⌘⌅) in Unicode windows.
  • The Action menu has a new entry named Shortcuts..., that display explanations specific to the kind of front window. In particular, it explains the shortcuts to check syntax / validate / execute.
  • The Text menu has been revamped. There is now a Copy style menu item and a Paste style menu item in the Text menu. (This existed in the User Scripts menu.)
  • The contextual menu does not send a do menu event any more. It sends a do contextual menu instead. You may have to change the script of your custom interfaces.
Text and Files
  • Smile uses a new text engine. The text windows (AppleScript terminals, script windows and Unicode windows) should be much more efficient when handling large amount of text.
  • The policy for opening text files is now: files with no extensions or with ".applescript" or ".rtf" extensions are opened in AppleScript terminals. Other text files are opened in Unicode windows. Note that only ".rtf" files save their style attributes (text colors, etc).
  • Find (⌘F, ⌘G or ⌘⇧G) and Compare (⌘K) now temporarly highlight the selection. You can have the selection of a window w hightlited by script with: set «class HiSe» to true
  • In a text window, the F5 key or alt-tab or esc may open an autocompletion popup menu. This menu suggests in priority words that belongs to Smile's dictionary or to the dictionary of a companion osax of Smile. The contents of this menu can be customized by defining a More Stuff/SpellDict.plist file (you can copy the SpellDict.plist file from Smile's bundle into your ~/Library/Application Support/Smile/More stuff folder and modify this file). Alternatively, you can access this customized list by script by using the applescript variable my «class adWo» (a list of strings). Note that in all cases, in addition to the customized list (which is a list of Smile's commands by default), the autocompletion menu propose words from the current dictionary.
  • Compare (⌘K) has been enhanced: results are more relevant in some cases.
  • Syntax coloring in some Unicode window (for .html, .js, .plist, .sdef and .xml files by default) are now active permanently.
  • The RelativeURL command now accepts a list as its direct parameter.
  • The image info for command now returns more information about the color space of the file image.
XML & Plist processing
  • XMLLib.osax now uses libxml-2.7.2 and libxslt-1.1.24.
  • XMLChild now accept negative indices.
  • You can now save compressed xml files: just add the .gz extension to your file path when using XMLSave. Note that XMLOpen opens such compressed files.
  • The as parameter of the PlistURL command now accept as unix path.
  • The new XMLGetNameSpaceFromPrefix command returns the URL associated to a given prefix in the scope of a given node.
URLs & web windows
  • You can save the visual contents of a web window w into a PDF file or into an image file by using the save command: save w in file "path:to:file.pdf"
Bugs fixed in 3.4
Bugs fixed in 3.4.2
  • Some versions of the installer of Smile 3.4.1 regular edition didn't work correctly: a message say that that an instance of Smile is already running and the installation can't be processed. This is fixed.
  • The XMLSetEncoding command didn't change the meta tags of the html/xhtml documents. This is fixed.
  • XMLLib.osax now uses libxml-2.7.3
Bugs fixed in 3.4.1
  • The URLRequest didn't work correctly using its body parameter. The POST parameter of this command was also incorrectly handled. This is fixed.
  • The encoding parameter of the XMLSave command was not taken into account. This is fixed.
Bugs fixed in 3.4.0
  • The axes of the view3D weren't displayed correctly when the view's resolution was higher thant 72 dpi. This is fixed.
  • The evalformula command on a ppc mac didn't compute correctly trigonometric functions for values outside of the [-pi, pi] range (this produced NaNs values). This is fixed.
  • The XNFNewArray command didn't support the as "real64" parameter. This is fixed.
  • In some circumstances, the statlist command was given a wrong minimum index or maximum index. This happened when the direct parameter was an array beginning with missing values and when the first real number after the leading missing values was the maximum or the minimum. This is fixed.
  • The find text and change commands had some memory leaks when using the regexp option and when there was no matching result. This is fixed.
  • The coerceAsUnicodeText and sortarray commands had some memory leaks. This is fixed.
  • A memory leak relative to the web windows has been fixed.
  • The find text command applied to a file read all the file even if the for parameter was specified. This is fixed.
  • XMLSetText unescaped its to parameter when its direct parameter was an xml attribute. This is fixed.
    set x to XMLRoot (XMLOpen from string "<a z='e'/>")
    set {y} to XMLXPath x with "@z"
    XMLSetText y to "&amp;"
    XMLGetAttribute x name "z"
    --"&amp;", not "&"
  • When setting the text of an xml attribute defined in a DTD as not being CDATA using XMLLib.osax, this text was not normalized (multiple spaces reduced to one blank space, etc, conforming to the w3 specifications). This is fixed.
  • XMLChild ... without all nodes sometimes returned a non-element node. This is fixed.
  • The RelativeURL and XMLRelativeURL commands now handle better arguments that have not the same unicode normalization.
  • The unicode character command may crash. This is now fixed.
  • The HexaDeciText dialog didn't work to convert text into numbers. This is now fixed.
  • The use of a custom ~/Library/Application Support/Smile/More stuff/SyntaxColoring folder diabled the default syntax coloring. This is now fixed.
  • Some problems with dropping items on an image well control were fixed.
Known features and caveats for 3.4
  • The contextual menu does not send a do menu event any more. It sends a do contextual menu instead. You may have to change the script of your custom interfaces.
  • Smile 3.4 does not work under any Mac OS 10.4.x (Tiger.) If you are still running Tiger, use Smile 3.3.
Release notes for the previous versions of Smile
The release notes for the previous versions of Smile are available in separate pages.
Copyright ©2009 Paris, Satimage