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Satimage Text Additions
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Satimage Text Additions

matchrecord n : the record returned by "find text"


matchPos integer : offset of the first character found

matchLen integer : length of the match

matchResult string : the matching string (possibly formatted according to the "using" parameter)}

find text v : find text literally or using regular expression syntax. syn ufind text

find text string : the substring to search for

in string : a string or an alias

[starting at integer] : default: 0

[for integer] : length of text after starting

[case sensitive boolean] : default true

[regexp boolean] : use regular expression, default false

[whole word boolean] : default false


[using string] : the pattern to generate the string (regexp). Useful for constructs with backward references in regexp, ex.: using "name: \\1". May be a list of strings, in this case matchResult is a list of strings.

[all occurrences boolean] : returns a list of all occurrences. Default: false

[string result boolean] : return only the matching string instead of the whole record

[syntax string] : the syntax for regular expressions. Relevant if regexp parameter is true. A string among ("POSIX" | "POSIX_EXTENDED" | "EMACS" | "GREP" | "GNU_REGEX" | "JAVA" | "PERL" | "RUBY"). Default: "RUBY"

→ record : {matchLen: length of the match, matchPos: offset of the match, matchResult: the matching string (possibly formatted according to the "using" parameter)}

Definitions of options of regexpflag's parameters:

SINGLELINE'^' -> '\A', '$' -> '\z', '\Z' -> '\z'
MULTILINE'.' match newline
IGNORECASEignore case (case-insensitive)
EXTENDextended pattern form: [:spaces:] are ignored if not escaped
FIND_LONGESTfind longest match when using alternations |
FIND_NOT_EMPTYignore empty match
DONT_CAPTURE_GROUPonly named group captured: (?<name>subexp)
NOTBOLbegin of text isn't considered as begin of line
NOTEOLend of text isn't considered as end of line
NEWLINE IN NEGATIVE CCnegative character classes match newline, for instance [^a-z]

set the_str to pi as string find text "3" in the_str -- {matchPos:0, matchLen:1, matchResult:"3"} set s to "2007-12-24" find text "([[:digit:]]+)" in s using "\\1" with regexp, all occurrences and string result -- {"2007", "12", "24"}

change v : replace all occurrences of a substring syn uchange

change string or list of string : the substring(s) to search for

into string or list of string : the unicode replacement string(s)

in string, list of string, or alias

[starting at integer] : default: 0

[for integer] : length of text after starting

[case sensitive boolean] : default true

[regexp boolean] : default false

[whole word boolean] : default false

[regexpflag list of string] : see the documentation for find text

[syntax string] : see the documentation for find text

anything : the new string if the "in" parameter is a string, otherwise the number of changes performed in the file

set the_str to "hello" change "e" into "u" in the_str -- "hullo" change {"e", "o"} into {"E", "O"} in "hello world" -- "hEllO wOrld" change "([0-9]{1,2})/([0-9]{1,2})" into "\\2/\\1" in {"31/12/2007", "29/2/2008"} with regexp -- {"12/31/2007", "2/29/2008"}

re_compile v : check a regular expression

re_compile string : the regular expression

[syntax string] : the syntax for regular expressions. Relevant if regexp parameter is true. A string among ("POSIX" | "POSIX_EXTENDED" | "EMACS" | "GREP" | "GNU_REGEX" | "JAVA" | "PERL" | "RUBY"). Default: "RUBY"

splittext v : split a text according to a given separator pattern. Optional matching parameters work like with the "find text" command

splittext string : the string to split

using string : the separator

[case sensitive boolean] : default true

[regexp boolean] : consider the separator pattern as a regular expression, default false

[whole word boolean] : consider only whole word separators. default false

→ list of string : the splitted text. If no separator found, the returned list contains one element: the original string.

filter text v : parse a string (or a text file) into a plist

filter text string : the pattern

in string : a string or an alias

key string : the pattern to generate the keys in the plist

[using string] : the pattern to generate the strings of the plist. Default: "\\0"

[as type] : list or string. Default: string, the plist contains for each key a concatenation of the matches separated by a linefeed character. Otherwise the plist contains for each key an array of matches.

[duplicates boolean] : relevant if the "as" parameter is list. Without duplicates, only new strings are added. Default: true

[case sensitive boolean] : default: true

[whole word boolean] : default: false

[regexpflag list of string] : like in the find text command

[syntax string] : like in the find text command

[into file or CFRef] : the file destination for the plist or an existing plist (see the XMLLib.osax dictionary)

→ string : the XML data if the into parameter is missing

set s to "John is ten Anna is twelve John is at school Anna sleeps" filter text "^([A-z]+) is (.*)" in s key "\\1" using "\\2" as list
returns a plist containing:
<dict> <key>Anna</key> <array> <string>twelve</string> </array> <key>John</key> <array> <string>ten</string> <string>at school</string> </array> </dict>

file offset v : find a string in a file and return the offset in byte.

file offset string : the character(s) to find

in alias

[starting at integer] : the initial offset in byte

[encoding string] : a IANA charset name ("MACINTOSH", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "ISO-8859-1", "windows-1252"…). Default: "UTF-8"

[inclusive boolean] : default: false. If true, the offset includes the requested string

→ integer

readtext v : read a text file. readtext is aware of the presence of BOM.

readtext alias : or an url

[for integer] : the maximum number of bytes to read

[starting at integer] : the initial offset in byte

[encoding string] : a IANA charset name ("MACINTOSH", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "ISO-8859-1", "windows-1252"…)

→ string

writetext v : write a string in a file.

writetext string

to file : or an url

[append boolean] : default: false. If true, append the string at the end of the file

[encoding string] : a IANA charset name ("MACINTOSH", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "ISO-8859-1", "windows-1252"…). Default: "UTF-8"

[missing char string] : characters that cannot be converted to the specified encoding are represented with this character. Default: writetext returns an error if it encounters an untranslatable character

→ string

uppercase v : move to uppercase.

uppercase string : the original string

→ string : the uppercase string

lowercase v : move to lowercase.

lowercase string : the original string

→ string : the lowercase string

format v : format a real number using a specification string. Ex: format pi into "##.##"->"3.14". '0' instead of '#' forces trailing zeros. '^' adds a space. "+f1;-f2;f3" provides formats for numbers >0, <0, =0. Encapsulate custom strings with "'".

format real : the number

into string : the formatting string, using #,^,O,.,%,',(,),+,-

[underflow test boolean] : switch to scientific format if the number is too small with respect to the formatting string (default: false)

→ string : the formatted number

atof v : convert a string into a number. Ex: atof "1.5"

atof string or list of string

→ real

encode entities v : substitutes the 5 reserved XML characters found in the direct parameter with the corresponding XML entities.

encode entities string

→ string

encode entities "'foo' > 'Foo'" -- "&apos;foo&apos; &gt; &apos;Foo&apos;"

resolve entities v : substitutes the XML character entities found in the direct parameter (not the html entities such as &eacute;) with the corresponding Unicode characters.

resolve entities string

→ string

resolve entities "&apos;foo&apos; &gt; &apos;Foo&apos;" -- "'foo' > 'Foo'"

escapeURL v : encode a URI by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, or three escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character

escapeURL string : a URI or a URI component

[escaping string] : additional characters to escape. Default "". To translate URI component (for a GET request for instance) into legal URI component use ";,/?:@&=+$"

→ string : a legal URI

unescapeURL v : decode a URI previously encoded with "escapeURL".

unescapeURL string

[keeping string] : characters to leave escaped. Default "".

→ string

normalize unicode v : normalize Unicode text (canonical composition or decomposition)

normalize unicode string

[decomposition boolean] : want canonical decomposition. default: false. For example, HFS Plus converts all file names to decomposed Unicode, while Macintosh keyboards generally produce precomposed Unicode.

→ string

hash v : normalize (KD) and hash a string

hash string

→ integer

join v : coerce as Unicode text

join list of string

using string : the text delimiter

→ string

printf v : format a string like the C function printf.

printf string : the format string

parameters list of anything

→ string : the formatted string

printf "printf prints integers like %d, floats like %g, strings like \"%s\"." parameters {12, pi, "hello"} -- "printf prints integers like 12, floats like 3.14159, strings like \"hello\"." printf "escape %% with %%%% like in %2.f%%" parameters {39.12} -- "escape % with %% like in 39%" -- use of positional parameters: set params to {"car", "red"} printf "The %s is %s." parameters params -- "The car is red." printf "The %2$s %1$s." parameters params -- "The red car." -- use of list parameters: printf ("%.1g %.3g" & return) parameters {randomarray 4, randomarray 4} --"0.3 0.846 0.1 0.348 1 0.0174 0.6 0.444 "

strftime v : format a date using a specification string like in the C function strftime.

strftime date or list of date

into string : the formatting string. To obtain ISO 8601 dates, use "%FT%TZ" or "%GW%V-%uT%TZ" (using the 'with GMT' parameter)

[GMT boolean] : if true, output date as GMT. Default: false, the ouput date is local.

→ string : the formatted date

set d to current date -- some ISO 8601 formats: strftime d into "%FT%T%z" -- "2007-01-15T16:10:56+0100" strftime d into "%GW%V-%uT%T%z" -- "2007W03-1T16:10:56+0100" --if you need to store the date d as UTC: strftime d into "%FT%TZ" with GMT -- "2007-01-15T15:10:56Z" strftime d into "%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %z" -- "Mon, Jan 15, 2007 16:10:56 +0100"

strptime v : Reverse of strftime.

strptime string or list of string : the date string(s)

encoding string : the format of the date corresponding to the into parameter of strftime.

[GMT boolean] : the intput date string is GMT (if unspecified by the format). Default: false

[as type] : date or real (seconds since January 1 2001). Default: date

→ date or real : the date

strptime "2007-01-15T16:10:56+0100" encoding "%FT%T%z" -- date "Monday, January 15, 2007 16:10:56" strptime "2007-01-15T16:10:56Z" encoding "%FT%T" -- date "Monday, January 15, 2007 16:10:56" strptime "2007-01-15T16:10:56Z" encoding "%FT%T" with GMT -- date "Monday, January 15, 2007 17:10:56" strptime "Mon, Jan 15, 2007 16:25:36 +0100" encoding "%a, %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S %z" -- date "Monday, January 15, 2007 16:25:36"
Satimage File Additions

URL information n : Reply record for the ‘URL info for’ command


scheme Unicode text : the access scheme

host Unicode text : the host specified by this URL

path Unicode text : the (escaped) location of the target on the host

unix path Unicode text : the (unescaped) location of the target on the host

name Unicode text : the name of the item

user name Unicode text : the user name by which to access this URL

password Unicode text : the password by which to access this URL

name extension Unicode text : the name extension of the URL

url parameters Unicode text

url query Unicode text

url fragment Unicode text

type identifier Unicode text : the item’s type identifier

alias description for v : provide info needed to refer to a remote item

alias description for alias : the remote item

→ list of string : {the AppleTalk zone name, the server machine name, the server volume name, folder name, […], item name}

navchoose file v : choose file with navigation services

navchoose file

[with prompt string] : a prompt to be displayed in the file chooser

[of type list of string] : restrict the files shown to only these file types

[starting at alias] : the default file or folder

[multiple files boolean] : allow multiple files selection (default true)

[show packages boolean] : (default true)

[open packages boolean] : (default false)

[of extension list of string] : list of allowed file extensions

[invisibles boolean] : Show invisible files and folders? (default is false)

[key integer] : associate a key to the folder that the user will select. If no 'starting at' parameter is provided, assume the corresponding folder as the default folder.

→ list of alias : the chosen files

navchoose folder v : choose folder with navigation services

navchoose folder

[with prompt string] : a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser

[starting at alias] : the default folder

[multiple files boolean] : allow multiple folders selection (default true)

[open packages boolean] : (default false)

[key integer] : associate a key to the folder that the user will select. If no 'starting at' parameter is provided, assume the corresponding folder as the default folder.

→ list of alias : the chosen folders

navchoose object v : choose file or folder with navigation services

navchoose object

[with prompt string] : a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser

[starting at alias] : the default folder

[multiple files boolean] : allow multiple objects selection (default true)

[show packages boolean] : (default true)

[open packages boolean] : (default false)

[key integer] : associate a key to the folder that the user will select. If no 'starting at' parameter is provided, assume the corresponding folder as the default folder.

→ list of alias : the chosen objects

navchoose volume v : choose volume with navigation services

navchoose volume

[with prompt string] : a prompt to be displayed in the folder chooser

[starting at alias] : the default folder

→ list of alias : the chosen folders

navask save v : prompt for save

navask save

[file name string] : name of the file

[action integer] : 1 = before closing, 2 = before quitting, 0 = none

→ integer : 1 save, 2 cancel, 3 don't save

navchoose file name v : Get a new file specification from the user, without creating the file. Uses navigation services

navchoose file name

[with prompt string] : the text to display in the file creation dialog box

[default name string] : the default name for the new file

[with menu list of string] : list of menu items

[menu index integer] : index of the menu item to display

[starting at alias] : the default folder

[show packages boolean] : (default true)

[open packages boolean] : (default false)

[key integer] : associate a key to the folder that the user will select, and assume the corresponding folder as the default folder.

file specification : the file the user specified

navnew folder v : Get a new folder specification from the user. Uses navigation services

navnew folder

[with prompt string] : the text to display in the file creation dialog box

[starting at alias] : the default folder

[open packages boolean] : (default false)

file specification : the folder the user specified

URL info for v : Parse an URL and returns an URL information record

URL info for string : an URL or an alias

URL information

absoluteURL v : resolve a relative URL using a base URL or coerce an absolute URL.

absoluteURL string or alias : a (possibly) relative URL. (Or a list of such.)

[from string or alias] : the base URL

[as type] : Unicode text, alias, unix path, path...

→ string : an absolute URL

set f to path to library folder from local domain absoluteURL f --"file://localhost/Library/" absoluteURL "Application%20Support" from f --"file://localhost/Library/Application%20Support" absoluteURL "Application%20Support" from f as unix path --"/Library/Application Support" absoluteURL "/Library/Application Support" --"file://localhost/Library/Application%20Support" absoluteURL "Application%20Support" from f as alias absoluteURL "en/smile/index.html#top" from "" ""

relativeURL v : translate an URL into the most suitable relative URL with respect to a given base.

relativeURL string or alias : an absolute URL

from string or alias : the base URL

→ string : a relative or absolute URL

list files v : make a list of the files contained in the folder

list files alias : a folder

[recursively boolean] : default: true. If false, list files and folders.

[invisibles boolean] : default: false

[of extension list of string] : the required file extension(s)

[not conforming to list of string] : the forbidden Universal Type Identifier(s) (UTI)

[after date] : list only files whose modification date is after the after date parameter

[before date] : list only files whose modification date is before the before date parameter

[names only boolean] : allowed only with recursively false. Default: false

[as type] : string (URL), alias, unix path, path...

→ list of string or list of alias

set {f} to navchoose folder set x to list files f not conforming to {"public.image", "", "public.archive"} ¬ after ((get current date) - 3600) without recursively

glob v : list the files or the folders matching a unix pathname pattern

glob string : the pattern

[invisibles boolean] : default: false

[of extension string] : the required file extension(s)

[not conforming to string] : the forbidden Universal Type Identifier(s) (UTI)

[after date] : list only items whose modification date is after the after date parameter

[before date] : list only items whose modification date is before the before date parameter

[names only boolean] : default: false

[as type] : string (URL), alias, unix path, path...

→ list of string or list of alias

backup v : synchronizes 2 folders. backup will resolve the alias located at the first level in the source or destination folders, and no other alias.

backup file specification : the source folder

onto file specification : the destination folder

[level integer] : 0: report only, 1: synchronize folders, 2 : synchronize and report. Default 0.

[after date] : files older than this date are not considered.

[recursively boolean] : recursively synchronize subfolders. Default true.

[except folders list of string] : names of folders to be omitted

[except extensions list of string] : file extensions to be omitted

[only extensions list of string] : consider only these file extensions

→ string : the (optional) report

Resource Suite
Utilities to read and write resources from/to a file.

load resource v : get the resource of the given type and id from the specified file

load resource integer : index of the desired resource

type string : type of the desired resource

from alias : file to read from

[as type] : an AppleScript type for the returned result

anything : any AppleScript data that is stored in the resource: data, object specification, reference, etc.

list resources v : return the list of the ids of the resources of the specified type stored in the specified file

list resources type : type of desired resources

from file specification : file to read from

anything : the list of ids

get resource name v : return the name of the resource of the specified type and id from the specified file

get resource name integer : index of the desired resource

type type : type of the desired resource

from file specification : file to read from

→ string : the name of the resource

put resource v : write the given resource to the specified file with specified type and id

put resource anything : the AppleScript data that will be stored in the resource

to file specification : the destination file

type type : the resource type

index integer : the resource id

[with name string] : the resource name

Mathematical Functions
Some mathematical functions. Most functions support as their direct parameter (and return) a list or an array of real. Notice: you may need more parentheses than is intuitive. Ex: cos(a) - b returns cos(a - b), so you may want to write (cos(a)) - b.

abs v : absolute value of direct parameter

abs real

→ real

acos v : arc cosine of direct parameter

acos real : -1 <= x <= 1

→ real : in radians

acosh v : hyperbolic arc cosine of direct parameter

acosh real : a positive number

→ real

asin v : arc sine of direct parameter

asin real : -1 <= x <= 1

→ real : in radians

asinh v : hyperbolic arc sine of direct parameter

asinh real

→ real

atan v : arc tangent of direct parameter

atan real

→ real : in radians

atan2 v : the angle of the line whose direction is the vector (x , y)

atan2 list of real : 2 real numbers : y (ordinate) and x (abscissa)

→ real : in radians

atanh v : hyperbolic arc tangent of direct parameter

atanh real : -1 < x < 1

→ real

ceil v : round up

ceil real

→ real

cosh v : hyperbolic cosine of direct parameter

cosh real

→ real

cos v : cosine of direct parameter

cos real : the angle (in radians). If the angle is in degrees, multiply it by pi / 180 before taking the cosine.

→ real

erf v : the error function

erf real

→ real

erfc v : the complementary error function

erfc real

→ real

exp v : exponential of direct parameter

exp real

→ real

floor v : round down

floor real

→ real

gamma v : the gamma function

gamma real : a positive number

→ real

hypot v : the square root of the sum of the squares of its arguments

hypot list of real : 2 real numbers

→ real

lgamma v : base-e logarithm of the absolute value of gamma

lgamma real : a positive number

→ real

ln v : base-e logarithm of direct parameter

ln real : a positive real

→ real

log10 v : decimal logarithm of direct parameter

log10 real : a positive real

→ real

sin v : sine of direct parameter

sin real : the angle (in radians)

→ real

sinh v : hyperbolic sine of direct parameter

sinh real

→ real

sqr v : square of direct parameter

sqr real

→ real

sqrt v : square root of direct parameter

sqrt real : a positive number

→ real

tan v : tangent of direct parameter

tan real : the angle (in radians)

→ real

tanh v : hyperbolic tangent of direct parameter

tanh real

→ real

trunc v : round toward zero

trunc real

→ real


array of real n, pl arrays of real : a packed list of real. Can be coerced to an AppleScript list with "as list of real" or "as list of integer". Conversely, a list of real may be translated using "as array of real" for fast computation.

list of real n, pl list of real : an abstract type provided to coerce arrays of real into list of real

list of integer n, pl list of integer : an abstract type provided to coerce arrays of real into list of integer

polynomial n : list of its coefficients, 0th degree first. Supports "as string" and "as list of real" coercions.

matrix n : An AppleScript representation of a 2D array of real numbers as a record:


ncols integer : the number of columns

nrows integer : the number of rows

array of real array of real : the data, as an array of real or as a standard AppleScript list of real numbers. Ordering: the first numbers are the data for the first row.

set m to {class:matrix, ncols:10, nrows:3, array of real:(createarray 3 * 10)}

fitrecord n : result of "fitpolynomial"


fit error real : the mean error

fit result anything : the list of the coefficients (constant term first)

fit string string : the polynomial formula as text

statsrecord n : result of "statlist"


maximum real

minimum real

sum real

mean real

variance real

stdev real

median real

skewness real

kurtosis real

maximum index integer

minimum index integer

createarray v : create an array of real

createarray integer : the requested size of the array

[range list of real] : {min,max}

array of real

set x to createarray 10 range {2, 3} -- «data Lido4E6F74206120...»

creatematrix v : create an array of real of size ncols*nrows

creatematrix string : "1": array of 1.0, "x": array of x values, "y": array of y values, "d": diagonal square matrix

ncols integer : or a list of real with the "x" option, will make an array with identical rows

nrows integer : or a list of real with the "y" option, will make an array with identical columns

[range list of real] : a range {min,max} for the "x" and "y" options

[diagonal array of real] : the diagonal values for the "d" option. You can also provide a real, in which case the matrix dimensions are specified by ncols=nrows. Default: 1.0 (identity matrix).

[as type] : array of real or matrix, default: array of real

array of real : or matrix

set x to creatematrix "x" ncols 12 nrows 15 --result is an array of real: «data Lido4E6F74206120...» set m to creatematrix "x" ncols 12 nrows 15 as matrix --result is a matrix: {class:matrix, ncols:12, nrows:15, array of real:«data Lido4E6F74206120...»} display (creatematrix "d" diagonal {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} as matrix) -- "1.0000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.0000000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0000000" set a to createarray 5 range {-1, 1} display (creatematrix "x" ncols a nrows 3 as matrix) -- "-1.0000000 -0.50000000 0.0 0.50000000 1.0000000 -1.0000000 -0.50000000 0.0 0.50000000 1.0000000 -1.0000000 -0.50000000 0.0 0.50000000 1.0000000" set a to createarray 4 range {0, 1} display (creatematrix "y" ncols 3 nrows a as matrix) -- "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.66666667 0.66666667 0.66666667 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000"

randomarray v : create a random array of real

randomarray integer : the requested size of the array

[range list of real] : {min,max}

[seed integer]

array of real

set x to randomarray 10 range {2, 3} seed 12345 -- «data Lido4E6F74206120...»

replacemissingvalue v : replace missing values (or NAN's) in a list, or an array of real, or a list of such.

replacemissingvalue array of real : or a list of arrays

with real

array of real : or a list of arrays

set x to divlist 1 with ({-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} as array of real) set xx to replacemissingvalue x with "999" display xx -- "-0.50000000 -1.0000000 999.00000 1.0000000 0.50000000"

extractitem v : (obsolete: use extractarray instead)

extractitem integer

[thru integer]

[step integer]

in array of real

[blocksize integer]

[as type]

array of real

extractarray v : extract values from an array of real

extractarray array of real

[at integer] : the first item to read or a list of indexes (in which case, the "for", "step" and "blocksize" parameters are not taken into account). 1-based. Default 1

[for integer] : the number of blocks to read. If <0 then read as many blocks as possible. Default 1

[blocksize integer] : size of the block to read at each step. blocksize must be smaller than step

[step integer] : the interval between the beginnings of successive blocks to read. Must be larger than blocksize. Default: blocksize

[as type] : default is array of real, you can provide small real or real for 1 item

array of real

set a to createarray 50 a as list of real -- {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, ...} set b to extractarray a for 3 at 1 step 10 blocksize 2 b as list of real -- {0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 11.0, 20.0, 21.0}

changearray v : change items in an array of real

changearray array of real : the array to modify

[at integer] : the index of the first item to change (1 based) or a list of indexes (in which case, the "step" and "blocksize" parameters are not taken into account). default: 1

into array of real : the new values

[blocksize integer] : size of the blocks to copy at each step. The "into" parameter must have a size multiple of blocksize. Default: 1

[step integer] : the interval between the beginnings of successive blocks to write. Must be larger than blocksize. Default: blocksize

array of real

set a to createarray 50 set b to changearray a at 1 step 10 blocksize 2 into (createarray 6 range {-99, -99}) b as list of real -- {-99.0, -99.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, -99.0, -99.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, ...}

insertarray v : insert items into an array of real

insertarray array of real : the values to insert

into array of real : the array to modify

[at integer] : the index of the first item to insert (0: at the beginning) or a list of indexes of the same size as the direct parameter (in which case, the "for", "step" and "blocksize" parameters are not taken into account). default -1 (insert values at the end)

[for integer] : number of blocks to insert. default 1

[step integer] : the number of values between each insertion. default 0

[blocksize integer] : size of the blocks to insert after each step. The direct parameter must have a size multiple of blocksize. Default: 1 if "for" is defined, else the size of the direct parameter.

array of real

set a to createarray 30 set b to createarray 10 range {-10, -1} set c to insertarray b blocksize 2 into a step 5 at 1 for 3 c as list of real -- {0.0, -10.0, -9.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, -8.0, -7.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, -6.0, -5.0, 11.0, 12.0, ...}

resamplematrix v : resample a matrix. The incoming matrix is divided into rectangular blocks. Each block may be replaced by its mean value or by another statistical value.

resamplematrix matrix : the matrix to resample

blocksize list of integer : {i,j}, defines the horizontal and vertical sizes of the blocks used for resampling. i and j may be integers (identical blocks) or lists of integers (irregular grid, the items of the lists define the successive sizes of the blocks).

[wanted string] : the following strings or a list of such: "mean", "minimum", "maximum", "stdev", "missing value", "sum", "median", "dispersion". Specify the statistical function computed on each block. Default: "mean".

matrix : the resampled matrix, or a list of matrices if 'wanted' is a list. The dimensions of the resampled matrix correspond to the numbers of blocks defined with 'blocksize'.

set m to ArrayToMatrix(randomarray 10 * 9, 10, 9) -- a 10x9 random matrix set {m1, m2} to resamplematrix m blocksize {5, 3} wanted {"mean", "stdev"} -- result is a list of two 2x3 matrices

reversearray v : returns reverse of the direct parameter.

reversearray list of real : ... or an array of real

array of real

(reversearray {1, 2, 3}) as list of real -- {3.0, 2.0, 1.0}

multlist v : performs the product of the parameters. Each parameter may be a list, an array of real, a matrix or a number. multlist {x1,x2...} with {y1,y2...} returns {x1.y1, x2.y2, ...}; multlist x with {y1,y2...} returns {x.y1, x.y2, ...}

divlist v : same as multlist, but for quotient

addlist v : same as multlist, but for sums

sublist v : same as multlist, but for subtraction

runningsum v : returns the running sum of an array of real

runningsum array of real

array of real

(runningsum {1, 2, 3, 4}) as list of real -- {1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 10.0}

statlist v : returns as a record the min, max, min index, max index, mean, sum, standard deviation, variance.

statlist list of real : ... or an array of real

[kurtosis boolean] : if true, statlist compute also skewness, kurtosis and median calculations.


set stl to statlist (randomarray 100) with kurtosis -- {maximum:0.993787646526, maximum index:60, minimum:0.001816140488, minimum index:31, sum:45.616940173553, mean:0.456169401736, variance:0.071985153475, stdev:0.268300491007, missing value:0, skewness:0.100799135751, kurtosis:1.791678255678, median:0.45719872578} mean of stl -- 0.456169401736

histogram v : given an array of real numbers, return a list of 2 arrays : {sampling values,frequencies}

histogram array of real

samples integer : number of intervals

[minimum real] : lower bound of the intervals

[maximum real] : upper bound of the intervals

→ list of array of real : {sampling values,frequencies}

set {x, y} to histogram (randomarray 100 range {1, 10}) samples 10 set c to QuickCurve(x, y, 0) set properties of c to {pattern style:10, line style:0, histogram bar width:0.75} set limits of container of c to {0, 11, 0, 20} draw window of c

evalformula v : apply C-like mathematical expressions to arrays of real. Ex: evalformula "a*x^2+y^2" with {"a",2.4,"x",anarray,"y",anotherarray} (or by using a record: evalformula "a*x^2+y^2" with {a:2.4,x:anarray,y:anotherarray})

evalformula string : the formula to compute

with list or record : the definition of the variables occurring in the formula. If a list, an alternation of reference names (strings) and data (number, list of numbers or array of real). Prefer lists because you can't use reserved words with records.

as type : matrix or array of real: the requested type if parameters are matrices. Default: array of real

array of real : or real

set a to createarray 10000 range {0, 2*pi} set s2 to evalformula "2*cos(x)*sin(x)" with {"x", a} evalformula ("atan2(y,x)") with {y:sqrt (3), x:1} -- 1.047197551197 (that is, pi/3) evalformula ("norm(cos(x))/sqrt(count(x))") with {"x", randomarray 10000 range {0, 2 * pi}} -- 0.701118610115 (that is, ~1/sqrt(2)) set n1 to 100 set x1 to creatematrix "x" ncols n1 nrows n1 range {-1, 1} as matrix set y1 to creatematrix "y" ncols n1 nrows n1 range {-1, 1} as matrix set {px, py} to {1,0} set pot1 to evalformula "r=hypot(x,y);(px*x+py*y)/(r*r*r)" with {"px",px, "py",py, "x",x1, "y",y1} as matrix set s to QuickScalarMap(0, 0, pot1, 0) set limits of s to {-10, 10} draw window of s

  • The expression of evalformula may include logical operators, yet all values remain real numbers: true expressions evaluate to 1.0, false expressions evaluate to 0.0. Conversely when implied in a logical expression any non null number is considered as true (1.0).
  • The direct parameter of evalformula may be a sequence of elementary expressions, provided they are separated with semi-colon ;. You can also use return as the separator, so in complex cases when the expression may require several intermediate steps you can easily use the contents of a text window as the expression. When you use such a composite construct evalformula will return the result of the last (rightmost) expression.
  • Instead of one expression you can pass a list of expressions to evalformula: evalformula will return a list of arrays of real.
  • Here is the list of the operators and functions that evalformula supports.
    operators (higher precedence first)
    • - (unary)
    • * /, + -, ^ (exponentiation)
    • >= > <= <== != (equal - not equal), & (logical AND), | (logical OR), ! (boolean not, evaluates to 1 if the operand is 0 and to 0 otherwise).
    • sqr, sqrt, hypot, pow
    • abs, ceil, floor, trunc, max, min
    • mod (modulo), remainder
    • isnan (test whether the quantity is a ``NAN''. NAN = Not A Number.)
    • ln or log (neperian), log10, exp
    • cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, atan2 (atan2(y,x))
    • cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh
    • erf, erfc, gamma, lgamma
    functions on arrays
    • norm and norm2, respectively the euclidian norm and its square (numbers),
    • sum and runsum, respectively the sum (a number) and the running sum (an array),
    • count, the number of elements (a number).

maskarray v : suppress items (or rows) out of an array of real (or a matrix) with respect to a mask of 0's and 1's.

maskarray array of real : the array(s) or matrix to be filtered. For a matrix, the rows are deleted.

with array of real : the filter: an array of real, 0's mean that the corresponding items are to be deleted in the direct object(s).

array of real : the resulting array(s) or matrix

set x to randomarray 10 range {1, 2} set m to evalformula "(x<1.2)|(x>1.5)" with {x:x} set y to maskarray x with m count y -- 6

filter v

filter matrix

using array of real : a list of 9 real numbers representing the 3x3 convolution matrix

[reduced boolean] : the resulting matrix is smaller (the 2 extremal columns and rows are removed. Default true.)


evalpolynomial v

evalpolynomial list of real : the polynomial, given as the list of its coefficients, 0th degree (constant term) first. Or an array of real coerced with "as polynomial"

at real : or array of real

→ real

set x to runningsum (randomarray 10) set y to runningsum x set p to fitpolynomial {x, y} degree 3 evalpolynomial (fit result of p) at 1 -- 2.364091741891

roots of v

roots of list of real : the polynomial, given as the list of its coefficients, 0th degree (constant term) first

[complex boolean] : default : false. Also compute the complex roots

list of real : roots of the polynomial. Complex roots are returned as a list of 2 real numbers

set x to runningsum (randomarray 10) set y to runningsum x set p to fit result of (fitpolynomial {x, y} degree 3) set {xx} to roots of p evalpolynomial p at xx -- -5.6843418860808E-14

composepolynomial v : you can provide arrays of real instead of polynomials

composepolynomial polynomial : or an array of real: the polynomial P(X), given as the list of its coefficients, 0th degree (constant term) first.

with polynomial : Q(X)

polynomial : P(Q(X))

pade approximant v : given a polynomial P(X), compute the Padé approximant as the rational function NUM(X)/DEN(X). NUM and DEN are polynomials and the constant term of DEN is 1. syn pade

pade approximant polynomial : or an array of real: the polynomial P(X), given as the list of its coefficients, 0th degree (constant term) first.

numerator integer : the requested degree for NUM(X)

denominator integer : the requested degree for DEN(X)

→ list of polynomial : {NUM(X), DEN(X)}

fitpolynomial v : given two arrays of real {x,y} returns the best polynomial fit y=P(x)

fitpolynomial list of array of real : a list of two arrays of real {x,y}

degree integer : the degree of the resulting polynomial

[number formatting string] : the format string for the formula output. If you don't specify this parameter, no fit string will be provided in the result record.


set x to runningsum (randomarray 10) set y to runningsum x fitpolynomial {x, y} degree 3 number formatting "%.3g" -- {fit error:0.66209535022, fit result:{2.229178877341, -2.581992766564, 2.069751651722, -0.112828845472}, fit string:"2.23-2.58*x+2.07*x^2-0.113*x^3"}

fitrational v : given two arrays of real {x,y} returns the best rational fit y=NUM(x)/DEN(x). NUM and DEN are polynomials and the constant term of DEN is 1.

fitrational list of array of real : a list of two arrays of real {x,y}

numerator integer : the requested degree for NUM(X)

denominator integer : the requested degree for DEN(X)

[number formatting string] : the format string for the formula output. If you don't specify this parameter, no fit string will be provided in the result record.

fitrecord : where fit result if a list of 2 polynomials.

read binary v : read a file of real or small real

read binary file specification : the file

as type : the format of the data file: real (8 bytes), small real (4 bytes), integer (4 bytes), small integer (2 bytes), or byte (1 byte)

[skip integer] : the number of leading bytes to skip

[step integer] : the offset between two consecutive readings

[blocksize integer] : the size of the blocks in the "as" unit. Default 1

[length integer] : the number of blocks to read

[big endian boolean] : is the file encoded as big endian or little endian? Default: system endianess (false on mac intel).

[signed boolean] : Only for integer types. Are they signed or unsigned? Default: true.

array of real

write binary v : write the data into a binary file (encoded as big endian)

write binary file specification : the file

with data array of real

[starting at integer] : offset in bytes, default: append data at the end of the file

[as type] : the format of the data to be saved: real (8 bytes), small real (4 bytes), integer (4 bytes), small integer (2 bytes), or byte (1 byte). Default: real.

[big endian boolean] : is the file encoded as big endian or little endian? Default: system endianess (false on mac intel).

Array and List Utilities

sortlist v : sort a list of numbers (or array of real) or a list of strings (case sensitive) or a list of dates. Can also sort a list of lists: lists are sorted either asynchronously or synchronously if the 'with respect to' parameter is specified. Sortlist is stable. syn sortarray

sortlist list of anything : the list to sort (or a list of lists)

[with respect to integer] : rank of the list used as the sort criterion. Relevant only if the direct parameter is a list of lists: requests a synchronous sort. If this parameter is not specified, each list is sorted separately. This parameter may be a list of integer corresponding to a list of criteria in decreasing priority order

[ascending boolean] : default true. May be a list if "with respect to" is already a list.

[remove duplicates boolean] : if true, remove duplicate values. Default false

[comparison integer] : only relevant for list of string. 1 case insensitive, 2 compare numerically, 1+4 force ordering ('A'<'a'<'B'). Default 0

→ list of anything : the sorted list (or lists)

sortlist (randomarray 10) -- «data Lido4E6F74206120...» (sortlist {2, 5, 1, 3} without ascending) as list of real -- {5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0} sortlist {"abc", "ABC", "xyz", "123"} -- {"123", "ABC", "abc", "xyz"} sortlist {{1, 2, 3, 4}, {"abc", "ABC", "xyz", "123"}, createarray 4, {{a:1}, "b", 3, {1, 2, 3}}} with respect to 2 -- {{4, 2, 1, 3}, {"123", "ABC", "abc", "xyz"}, «data Lido4E6F74206120...», {{1, 2, 3}, "b", {a:1}, 3}} -- compare numerically: sortlist {"a1", "a10", "a2", "1b", "10b", "2b"} -- {"10b", "1b", "2b", "a1", "a10", "a2"} sortlist {"a1", "a10", "a2", "1b", "10b", "2b"} comparison 2 -- {"1b", "2b", "10b", "a1", "a2", "a10"}

masklist v : suppress items out of a list with respect to a mask of 0's and 1's. See also 'suppress item'

masklist list of any : the list to be filtered.

with array of real : the filter: an array of real, or a list of integers, 0's mean that the corresponding items are to be deleted in the direct object(s).

→ list of any : the resulting list

masklist {"abc", {a:1}, "b", 3, {1, 2, 3}} with {1, 0, 1, 1, 0} -- {"abc", "b", 3}

suppress item v : delete a list of items from a list or a record.

suppress item anything : a list of indices or a list of keywords. Use quotes around custom properties, and also around 4-characters codes. (If you don't know what this means, you don't need it).

from list or record

→ list or record : according to the "from" parameter

suppress item 2 from {"abc", {a:1}, "b", 3} -- {"abc", "b", 3} suppress item name from {path name:1, name:"abc"} -- {path name:1} suppress item {2, 3} from {"abc", {a:1}, "b", 3} -- {"abc", 3}

exclude items v : remove strings from a list of strings. A list equivalent of the set difference.

exclude items list of string : the list of strings to remove from the input list

from list of string : the input list

[with respect to integer] : rank of the list (of string) used for the filter process. Other input lists may be lists of anything. Relevant only if the 'from' parameter is a list of lists. Default: 1

[case sensitive boolean] : default true

→ list : the cleaned input list, or a list of cleaned lists if the 'from' parameter is a list of lists.

exclude items {"r", "t", "z"} from {"a", "z", "e", "r", "t", "y"} -- {"a", "e", "y"} exclude items {"r", "t", "z"} from {{"a", "z", "e", "r", "t", "y"}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"}} -- {{"a", "e", "y"}, {1, 3, 6}, {"one", "three", "six"}}

keep items v : remove strings from a list of strings. A list equivalent of the set intersection.

keep items list of string : the list of the strings to keep

from list of string : (or list of list). The input list

[with respect to integer] : rank of the list (of string) used for the filter process. Other input lists may be lists of anything. Relevant only if the 'from' parameter is a list of lists. Default: 1

[case sensitive boolean] : default true

→ list : the cleaned input list, or a list of cleaned lists if the 'from' parameter is a list of lists.

keep items {"r", "t", "z"} from {"a", "z", "e", "r", "t", "y"} -- {"z", "r", "t"} keep items {"r", "t", "z"} from {{"a", "z", "e", "r", "t", "y"}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"}} -- {{"z", "r", "t"}, {2, 4, 5}, {"two", "four", "five"}}

special concat v : concatenate {a_ppty:X, …} and {a_ppty:Y, …} into {a_ppty:Z, …}, where Z is X & Y (resp. X + Y) if X,Y are lists (resp. numbers). Also merges tabulated string arrays side to side (in other terms, adds columns).

special concat record : the record

with record : the additional data

→ record

special concat {a:1, b:{1}, c:"A", d:0} with {a:2, b:{2}, c:"B"} -- {a:3.0, b:{1, 2}, c:"A", d:0} special concat ("1" & tab & "2" & return & "A" & tab & "B") with ("3" & return & "C") -- "1 2 3 A B C "